
Thanks be to God! With the grace of God, we have just concluded the second academic year for the Catechism classes. In the first year there were only 14 students and a few teachers. In the second year, we started the year with more than 42 students and 12 teachers. As the year ended, 40 students wrote the final exam on June 3, 2018.

Catechism Exam in Progress – Sunday, June 3, 2018


The aim of our Catechism class has been to bring our children and youth closer to Jesus. Hence more than an intellectual pursuit, it has been a spiritual encounter with the Lord that was promoted. We have prayed, reflected, sang and shared the gospel readings. This year, we had 4 groups – Kids, Grade 2(Sub Juniors), Grade 4(Juniors) and Grade 9(Seniors) who learnt various things about God, scriptures, liturgy and different topics like sacraments, saints etc.

May these classes continue to bring our students closer to Jesus, our living and loving God. This is our only wish for them along with all our parents.

(Benny Augustine, Catechism coordinator)