Consent to Post or Publish Student Information 2022

    Consent to Post or Publish Student Information

    Catechism School of ST. JOSEPH SYRO-MALABAR CATHOLIC PARISH MONTRÉAL and the Department of Catechesis, Eparchy of Mississauga is requesting your permission to use your child’s information (i.e., Name and Grade, image, video, or any creative content presented by the child) in:

    • Programs and activities organized in the Parish, Forane and Eparchy level by Catechism School and/or the Department of Catechesis

    • Programs and activities organized in the Parish, Forane and Eparchial level by the Pious Associations for Children and SMYM

    • Activities and competitions coordinated by the parish and eparchial associations and ministries.

    These activities/ programs/ competitions may be presented/ published/ posted in print and/or digital media/ virtual platforms including Parish or Eparchial publications, reports, notice board, yearbooks. newsletters and online virtual platforms.
    Such works may also include video recordings or display of images, where the faithful

    In case of any privacy or safety concerns, we agree to contact the Parish Priest or Catechism Principal of St. Joseph syro-malabar catholic parish montréal(Parish Name).

    By signing this form and returning it to the Catechism School of St. Joseph syro-malabar catholic parish montréal (Parish Name) you are consenting to your child’s information being used for the stated purposes. If no form is returned, it indicates that consent was NOT given.

    Yes, I/ We consent to my child’s information being used for the above stated purposes.